The Military Makers
The Military Makers
Episode 39 Season 1 Finale
With 39 episodes under our belts it is time the Crew takes a break. No guest this week just us chatting, looking back, ribbing each other and just an over all fun laugh filled conversation. Of course there is the usual grey area comment or 2 but it all in fun.
In November on Veterans Day weekend the Crew will meet for the first time in person to break bread, drink drink and hammer out season 2 strategy. We will conduct an AAR of our actions on the objective and hammer out a strategy to improve our show. We have lofty goals that benefit the Veteran Community and to achieve those goals we need more listeners. So spread the word share the show with everyone you know.
The Military Minute:
Please note, we do not have paid advertisers. Everything that we recommend comes from our personal experience. With that said, if you want to support, please write reviews, subscribe, and share with your friends. We would love to hear from you too, please email with any feedback and/or suggestions for our show. We are here to serve!
Jeff (Sarge) @sergeantmaker
Jeff (Flash) @flashpoint_woodworks
Jeff (Mills) @_damn_yankee_
Wade @hill_craft
Jesse @steele.woodworks
Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/themilitarymakers)